Step Up Challenge Details
Physical Activity
Men are challenged to STEP Up and compete as a team to accumulate the most steps while virtually travelling the Great Northern Circle Route (2775 km).
Men are divided into teams. Each team has 4 weeks to accumulate steps as they "travel" the Great Northern Circle Route. The team that travels the greatest distance at the end of the 4 weeks is the winner. Men will track their steps on a smart phone or with a pedometer.
Detailed instructions for the STEP Up challenge are available in the POWERPLAY program manual on the coach's corner.
Fuel Up Challenge Details
Physical Activity & Healthy Eating
Men are challenged to compete as “hockey” teams to FUEL Up and score the most goals by completing activities listed on POWER cards. Each POWER card has squares which identify tasks to complete that are related to healthy eating & physical activity (ate a healthy snack instead of junk food), along with 3 “own choice” squares.
Completed cards equal goals for their team. This activity builds on the physical activity focus in the STEP Up challenge. Men are encouraged to continue to be physically active while making healthy food choices.
Detailed instructions for the FUEL Up challenge are available in the POWERPLAY program manual on the coach's corner.
Heads Up Challenge Details
Men are challenged individually to keep their HEADS Up by engaging in random acts of kindness to assist their colleagues and to promote a positive workplace culture through teamwork and comradery. Employees acknowledge acts of kindness by moving paper pucks into a large hockey net tracking poster. The workplace coach can tally weekly totals on an electronic tracking scoreboard.
Detailed instructions for the HEADS Up challenge are available in the POWERPLAY program manual on the coach's corner.
ANTE Up Challenge Details
Smoking Cessation
Men challenge themselves to ANTE Up and engage in healthy activities each week to reduce and stop smoking. Men receive a deck of 52 action cards. The cards identify tasks to complete that support men regardless of where they are in their journey to stop smoking (e.g., “I checked out the “Quick Tips” to beat cravings on www.quitnowmen.ca. The one that works for me is: ____________”). Men complete and hand in cards to the workplace coach, in exchange for a small prizes and draw entries for a larger prize.
Detailed instructions for the ANTE Up challenge are available in the POWERPLAY program manual on the coach's corner.
Power Up Challenge Details
Healthy Living
Men are challenged to learn more about healthy living by completing the POWER Boost quizzes on the POWERPLAY website. One completed quiz equals one prize draw entry. The more times men do each quiz, the more draw entries they receive.
Detailed instructions for the POWER Up challenge are available in the POWERPLAY program manual on the coach's corner.
Change Up Challenge Details
Healthy Workplaces
Workplaces are challenged to take constructive steps to create a healthy work environment. Building a culture of wellness, tailored to each unique environment, through environment and policy changes supports employees in living healthy lifestyles and has positive benefits for the whole organization.
Detailed instructions for the CHANGE Up challenge are available in the POWERPLAY program manual on the coach's corner.
Want to bring POWERPLAY to your workplace or participate in the program?Connect with us